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What is Radio-frequency skin tightening?



Over time, your skin will show signs of aging. Natural: the skin melts because it begins to lose proteins called collagen and elastin, substances that firm the skin. Wrinkles, sagging, and a hairy appearance appear on the hands, neck, and face.

There are several anti-aging treatments to change the look of older skin. Skin fillers can improve the appearance of wrinkles for several months. Plastic surgery is an option, but it is expensive and recovery can take a long time.

If you want to try something other than fillers, but don’t want to commit to major surgery, you might want to consider tightening your skin with an energy called radio waves.

How does Radio-frequency skin tightening work?

Radiofrequency skin tightening or RF treatment is a non-invasive procedure performed by some doctors in their office. The doctor uses a wand that connects to a device that generates radio waves. They pass the stick over your body to apply radio waves to your skin.

They generate heat waves that force the skin to produce more collagen and elastin. This treatment also accelerates cell rotation, so the skin becomes firmer and thicker over time.

This process can take anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes, depending on the amount of skin you are treating. The treatment will bring you minimal discomfort.

You can find these treatments under the brands Thermi, Exilis, Profound RF and Thermage.

What can Radio-frequency therapy help?

Radiofrequency skin tightening is a safe and effective anti-aging treatment for different parts of the body. This is a popular treatment for the face and neck area. It can also help with loose skin around the abdomen or arms.

Some doctors offer radiofrequency therapies to shape the body. They can also offer it for vaginal rejuvenation, to tighten the delicate skin of the genitals without surgery.

What is good to know before tightening the skin with radiofrequency?

Safety. Tightening the skin with radiofrequency is considered safe and effective. The FDA has approved it to reduce the appearance of wrinkles.


effects. You may immediately notice changes in your skin. The most important improvements to skin firmness will come later. The skin may become firmer for up to six months after radiofrequency treatment.

Improvement. Normally, as this method is completely non-invasive, you won’t have much time for recovery. You may be able to return to normal activities soon after treatment.

In the first 24 hours, you may experience redness or tingling and pain. These symptoms disappear very quickly. In rare cases, people have reported pain or blisters as a result of the treatment.

Cost. The price of skin tightening varies with radiofrequency. The cost depends on the size of the area you want to treat. The average cost is $ 2,000, but it can be more if you treat a large area.

Number of Treatments Most people only need one treatment to see full effects. Doctors recommend following a proper skin care diet after surgery. Sunscreens and other skin care products can help the effects last longer.

It suits. You should speak to your doctor if you have any questions about whether radiofrequency skin tightening is right for you. They can tell you about your medical history and what you want to do with the treatment. Your doctor can tell you if you are benefiting from this treatment

How long does it take to firm the skin with radio frequency?

The effects of radiofrequency skin tightening are not as long-lasting as the effects of surgery. But they last a considerable time.

Once the treatment is finished, it is not necessary to repeat it for a year or two. In comparison, skin fillers should be touched several times a year.

There are radio frequency devices that you can buy for home use. These aren’t as powerful as a doctor’s case, and the results may not be as noticeable or long-lasting.

Some household appliances recommend using a special gel to protect the skin during use. You can ask your doctor if they are a good option for you.

If you are looking for radiofrequency skin tightening treatment, you should seek out a trained and experienced dermatologist or plastic surgeon. They will tell you if you are a good candidate for treatment. They can also tell you what to expect as you go through the procedure.

What are the benefits of tightening facial skin with RF?

The two most obvious benefits of this treatment are firmer skin and a smoother surface – less wrinkles. But RF is a versatile treatment, so you can expect to recover from sun damage. Studies show that after three months of RF treatment, patients observed a clinically meaningful improvement in mild to moderate sun damage symptoms.

This is great news for those with aged skin. It is very difficult to treat dark spots, sagging and other effects of sunlight. Most people think aging is the only cause of collagen breakdown, but the sun is even worse. So the ability to reverse UV damage is nothing short of revolutionary and RF technology does just that.

Face contour

Before delving into this topic, let’s take a look at skin aging. Below the surface, at those invisible depths, collagen and elastin scaffolds support the dermis and epidermis. This structure keeps the skin supple, radiant and firm. However, from the age of 25, we lose between 1 and 2% of our natural collagen per year. This effect is the gradual slowing down of the body’s processes. In turn, the scaffold weakens and collapses.

Worse still, the cells on the surface of our skin (epidermis) don’t regenerate as quickly as they did when we were young. The results are dullness, sagging, wrinkles and tissue problems. Radio frequency helps, as previously mentioned, not only firm the skin, but also open up the lines to create fresher, firmer and younger looking skin. This tightening action makes RF particularly suitable for the chin, neck and jaw. It can also be used to tighten:

  • Prolapse between nose and mouth
  • Bags and wrinkles under and above the eyes
  • Fallen eyebrow lines

Gradual improvement of your face

We’ll discuss this shortly, but RF therapies work to make new collagen and elastin in the body. With these effects, old, damaged skin is replaced with new, healthy skin. These cells are also naturally stiffer, but they don’t grow overnight. You won’t look one-sided on Thursday and you will look completely different on Friday or Saturday.

Most patients tend to improve gradually because they want to look like themselves, but better. They are looking for subtle improvements for radical changes and RF provides these accurate results.

     1. Softens wrinkles             

This treatment also softens wrinkles that are annoying enough to add years to your face. Each subsequent session builds on the last session so that you gradually look younger as you progress through the treatment plan.

     2. Long-term results 

Thanks to the increased production of collagen and elastin, your skin will improve permanently. Some facials only stimulate the facial muscles or temporarily fill the tissues. RF, on the other hand, stimulates the skin’s internal healing processes, and collagen is inherently made to last. So your results can last up to two years.

  1. Increases Hyaluronic Acid (HA) 

HA is an anonymous skin care hero. It also works in tandem with collagen and elastin, so where these two fibers increase, HA will surely follow. This means that with RF treatments you can enjoy softer, smoother and more hydrated skin.

HA molecules naturally absorb water molecules and attach themselves to them. Therefore, it is one of the main components of the skin’s natural moisture barrier, and increasing its level can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, relieve redness and help skin look thicker.

  1. It can be completed at lunch

On average, each session lasts 20 to 45 minutes. To facilitate the treatment, we apply a protective gel to your skin. The handpiece then moves skillfully on the face. And your treatment is unique to you. We customize the depth of heat energy to make sure we meet your individual needs.

  1. Relaxing and painless

One of the most interesting aspects of RF therapy is its non-invasive and gentle nature. As the energy heats up and eventually firms the tissues, it does so without damaging the top layer of the skin. And for patients who hate needles, radiofrequency removes them, as well as other scary tools for treatment that aren’t very threatening.

Patients describe the sessions as relaxing and enjoyable and compare them to the hot stone face massage. Some even fall asleep. Likewise, you don’t need to rest to get back to your day right away. There is no need to hide the skin or go home to heal.

What is RF Therapy?

This is a two-part answer. The first is the treatment of electromagnetic radiation, which is transmitted in a specific frequency range, also known as radio waves. Electromagnetic radiation surrounds us from sources such as lightning, stars, the sun, and our bodies. They cover a wide range of frequencies and wavelengths. Frequency is the number of cycles formed per second and is measured in hertz. Wavelength describes the distance between two wave peaks.

Frequency in different bands from low to high. Low frequencies, such as those used to transmit data and voice communications, travel greater distances. On the other hand, the high frequencies are only at short distances Hey transfer. The highest frequencies are frequencies used to treat the human body in both medicine and aesthetics.

RF currents and your body

Unlike other electrical currents, RF currents pass through cells and tissues without affecting the body. Our nerves store their electrical charges. They are affected by any external electrical source, which is why the electric shock causes pain and contracts our muscles.

The RF current moves very fast to produce these effects. It moves at the speed of light, which means muscles and nerves don’t even register it. But our cells conduct RF currents and use them as part of their electrical circuits. Thus RF moves freely in the tissues and any source of resistance generates heat. The amount of heat generated depends on the specific fabric that is obtained.

Effects of treatment

During treatment, RF stimulates subcutaneous structures and the heat generated causes targeted and controlled damage. Heating the skin to around 152 degrees Fahrenheit gives the best results and, in turn, the collagen and elastin are both degraded. This is a complicated way of saying that they open up and immediately cause the collagen matrix to shrink and contract. The skin is then lifted and firmed to look younger.

At the same time, your body will heal, like after a skin cut or other wound. Fibroblasts, found in the deeper layers of the skin, produce new collagen and elastin fibers. This increase is known as skin regeneration and works as follows:

  • Improves the elasticity of the skin
  • Clear lines and wrinkles
  • Tighten the fabrics
  • Improves the texture and overall volume of the skin

Awards added

The heat generated during the treatment also increases cellular metabolism and helps detoxify the tissues. At the temperature we get, the blood vessels dilate to increase blood flow and provide the cells with more oxygen and nutrients. All the fresh, healthy blood flowing to your face also removes waste such as carbon dioxide. This is the effect of hard-working cells providing energy for skin regeneration and healthier skin in general.

All the evidence you need

Tightening facial skin with RF is not a cure that we hope will work. Clinical studies show that one of the most effective ways to achieve smoother and younger skin. In a U.S.-based study, doctors saw visible results on the participants’ skin, and people were equally pleased with their progress.

Korean researchers reflected on these findings. They found that RF therapy safely and effectively reduced scarring, improved collagen synthesis, and treated the signs of aging. Brazilian researchers also found that RF treatment stimulated collagen production.

Elite supported

Our office uses Protégé Elite to firm the facial skin with RF. This device is not only safe and effective, it also uses the latest technology in beauty treatments. It is easy to treat, requires no pain relievers or anesthetic creams, and floats on the surface of the skin with the sensation of a hot roller. And we constantly rotate the tip over your skin in continuous waves and circles to ensure consistent healing everywhere.


Skin Clinic Armadale

This machine is a workhorse and can:

  •     Shrink your chin to reveal your true jaw
  •     Aim for the crow’s foot
  •     Eliminate lines of smiles and worries
  •     Smoothing wrinkles

Frequent questions?

We know you are surprised at the number of treatments you need. With Protégé Elite, we usually recommend a series of three to four sessions with an interval of two to four weeks. Maintenance sessions are encouraged annually or annually to help maintain results.

Who is the treatment suitable for?

Any man or woman who wants to sculpt problem areas without pain or long periods of disability. But others can also benefit from trafficking chin RF. It is suitable for most people because it helps strengthen the skin and create a healthy glow. This glow is due to the increase in collagen. To understand, imagine a child’s shiny cheeks dehydrated with fresh collagen. This effect can be repeated at almost any age with treatments that increase protein levels.

Why can all skin types have RF?

The treatment is designed for all skin types, including those with sensitive and dry tissues. It increases the oxygen level in the skin, so it can refresh your appearance at any time. But those who have special conditions should sit with this, including patients who are pregnant and / or who have the following:

  • Active acne
  • Acne rosacea
  • Broken capillaries

When should i see results?

We mentioned earlier that your face is gradually becoming softer and softer. While we can’t provide an exact timing, as everyone responds differently to treatment, we can tell you will see improvement in just a few weeks. The results will be.

Development continues over the next few months.

Is the treatment safe?

The answer is a resounding yes. In fact, tightening facial skin with RF is far less dangerous than more aggressive treatments. This technique is FDA approved and Protégé Elite causes no side effects on the skin.

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